PowerLesson 2

Dynamic LessonAdvanced Technology WebSocket Enhances the speed and efficacy of the system, so teachers can quickly circulate teaching materials and students can submit their work swiftly. Responsive Web Design Supports desktop and mobile application, allowing students and teachers to start PowerLesson on difference devices on or off campus.  In-place Editing, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Allows teachers to edit…

PowerLesson 2

Educators have been searching for a viable eLearning solution as the number of WiFi campus in Hong Kong is growing. Today, eClass has already helped more than 100 schools apply eLearning to their curriculum with PowerLesson. The upgraded PowerLesson 2, launched in 2016, comes in a brand new appearance added with even more powerful functions. It…

BBC micro:bit

Learning to code has become a must for the young generation. If you cannot code, you will be considered as illiterates some day. In light of the advocacy of STEM education, and the growing popularity of BBC micro:bit in Hong Kong, eClass has organised a number of BBC micro:bit teacher training workshops so as to…

Flipped Channels

PowerLesson + Flipped Channels = Total Flipped Learning Flipped Channels was launched in 2015 in response to educators’ increasing attention towards ‘flipped learning’. It is a platform for teachers to effortlessly create videos or manage external videos to engage students throughout the pre-lesson, in-lesson and post-lesson stages. It also gathers students’ learning data in real…

Classic Chinese Poems (未)

第一冊 李白 靜夜思 早發白帝城 送友人 黃鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵 望廬山瀑布 秋浦歌 獨坐敬亭山 贈汪倫 孟浩然 春曉 李紳 憫農 第二冊 王維 九月九日憶山東兄弟 山居秋暝 相思 送元二使安西 送別 山中送別 鹿柴 竹里館 王昌齡 閨怨 出塞 第三冊 杜甫 絕句 兵車行 春望 客至 白居易 賦得古原草送別 憶江南 暮江吟 問劉十九 李商隱 登樂遊原 夜雨寄北 第四冊 杜牧 秋夕 贈別 泊秦淮 山行 清明 江南春 朱熹 觀書有感 春日 駱賓王 詠鵝 蘇舜欽…

eClass MDM

Manage class activities through simple operations View every student’s tablet screen at the same time Ensure everyone is participating Lesson Enhancement <h1 style=”text-align: center; color: #1d87a1;”>Lesson Enhancement</h1> Administrative Functions <h1 style=”text-align: center; color: #e4ac3a;”>Administrative Functions</h1>

Door Access Control

Our electronic access control system is tied with the use of smart cards to control access to special rooms on campus, such as the computer room, staff room, server room etc. There is also a Infrared Detector and Alarm Control System to help prevent theft and other crimes. Strengthening School’s Security Effective control of access rights…